About Us
Our Story

MK Advisors means, first and foremost, Mana Kalani. This phrase describes the essence of our work. “Mana Kalani” means “the power of the sky.”
But the power we develop goes beyond the literal application of electrical power, and the sky does not just describe how we support wind and solar. Sure, those are a part of who we are, but they’re hardly our entire purpose.
Power means industriousness, praxis, and self-determination. All of these are qualities that are limited in communities and markets that lack access to reliable or resilient sources of energy. Bringing the latter enables the former. Electrical power brings with it personal and communal power.
The sky means more than light and wind. The sky means breadth and limitless scale or unlimited potential. This is what our extensive ecosystem of professionals, advisors, and advocates has brought not only our team, but our customers, too. Our ecosystem provides access to proven expertise at every level of the energy community, both domestically and abroad.
It’s this passion that inspires us to seek out unique technology solutions and financial models that can spur meaningful impacts on communities around the world.