Mana Preschool
• Providing exceptional Preschool education to learners that otherwise would not have the opportunity to be exposed to quality materials and teaching practices during their crucial formative years •
The basis of any solid structure is a solid foundation. The crucial foundation phase years of a child is when they form
their lasting perceptions. It is a time for them to learn through play – alone and in groups, through example, and through access to quality equipment and passionate teachers. It is the time when they need to learn that they are special, they are valuable and they have worth.

Breaking the cycle of poverty among these children who are
subjected to playing on the streets or in small underequipped daycare facilities. All the while learning independence and having to look after younger children at an extremely young
age (sometimes as young as 6 years old). These little ones
need to be children, they need to learn to learn, and not have the responsibilities of adulthood to contend with. They need to be challenged by literacy and numeracy, to develop their fine and gross motor skills, and to be told that they are important.