MK Advisors enables resilient communities
Recently, I was honored to sit around some metaphorical-ZOOM-tables with diverse people from all walks of life, and from all types of businesses. I found it is easier to explain to people what MK Advisors does when we are imagining we are talking to someone in our “space”–in our field, our market.
It turns out, it is pretty hard to explain ALL the things we do here at MK Advisors and why they matter, and especially how they interconnect. The truth is, each of our efforts are interconnected–those we have told you about and those we have not (yet).
After this whirlwind week of introductions to new people and new (market) languages, I realized that it is pretty easy to summarize what we do.
MK Advisors enables resilient communities.
We don’t create resilient communities–that task is left to the stakeholders on the ground. We don’t force resiliency on communities–the choice is always the community and their interests first.
We Enable. We Empower. We Equip.
At MK Advisors, our “bench” is deep. We have experts from all over the world who are supreme artisans of their craft. This diversity of expertise gives us the ever-expanding toolkit that most communities need access to as they journey toward resiliency. This is true of energy and water infrastructure we promote by advancing modern power through partnerships, but it is also true of our other, non-traditional projects. MK Advisors launched ManaBoxes.com in 2020 to enable economic resilience in South African and American communities of women (1800+), banding together to enable the continuation of work, despite COVID lockdowns. Resilience is the reason that MK Advisors seeded ProtectTheLine.org during COVID to rapidly 3D print PPE (personal protective equipment) for those who needed it most when supplies were null. Resilience is the reason MK Advisors raised our voice for our local community of restaurant workers who were being sued by their employer in the throes of COVID. Resilience is the reason we have seeded and incubated www.ManaPacific.com, a triple bottom line company advancing energy infrastructure for, and on behalf of, the community first.
So, to answer your deepest question about all the crazy things we get to create at MK Advisors:
MK Advisors enables resilient communities. Join us, and let us know about your community resilience needs today! Contact us at info@mkadvisors.org.