MK Advisors Rebrand
Going into 2020, we have a lot of exciting new changes! Stay tuned as we evolve to meet the times. Some of our exciting updates include:
- The Honorable Katherine Hammack, former Assistant Secretary of the Army for Energy, Environment and Installations—phew, that’s a lot to say, so we’ll stick with Katherine from here—has joined our team!
- Tim Hill is a retired soldier from senior layers in DoD (Colonel and General, Tim, really?), who now serves in a civilian capacity with Katherine. Tim is a dependable part of our team, and we are excited to continue the work we’ve started many years ago.
- Mike Stone has joined as our Legal Counsel.
- Dave Taylor, former chief of staff of TARDEC (now GVSC), has joined our team as an Advisor to enable installation resilience at the Detroit Garrison and beyond.
- John Miller has joined our team in his capacity as co-founder and President of a newly established benefit corporation in the Pacific. He is a former Navy nuclear engineer and current microgrid design specialist. His expertise is vast!
- Engineering for Peace is a concept paper that’s being organized now. If you have the desire to tell us your thoughts on this subject, let us know. The premise: within the foreseeable future, we will be required to harness, manage, and distribute energy at such large densities that defense and peacekeeping will be required to discover and utilize technologies that are only currently justifiable by the math. You can see more and comment here.
- MK’s husband, Kevin Merrigan, joined us earlier in 2019 upon his retirement from General Dynamics Mission Systems. He is supporting some of our friends, like Flyer Defense, SteelCloud, Badenoch and Gryphon Group.
- MK has joined Norwich’s Center for Global Resilience and Security as a Senior Research Fellow. She’s working on economic models which enable strategic placement of economic development tools enabled by technology in the regions which have historically paid the highest price for energy.
- We have invested in Mana Pacific, a sustainable business corporation with a triple bottom line requirement for the communities we support. We envision this Hawaiian B-corp to grow as a tool for change, as we expand our work and apply quantifiably known models. Mana Pacific is a beautiful idea we would love to make real with you. If you’re interested and experienced in this region, let us know and we’ll engage!
- We are continuing to expand our partnerships with academia and industry. We have partnered with Arizona State University’s LEAPS to rapidly develop projects, expand standardization and best practices, and co-create scalable, sustainable and resilient solutions.
- Letters To Our Mothers is a multimedia project that we are moving along, from the little-good-idea-factory into real hands with people who are serious about this impact in communities around the world. Stay tuned!
What Do We Care About?
The New Energy Economy & The Next Great “Space” Race
We have been doing a lot of thinking about the next decade, and we are convinced that the great technology revolution is going to take place in energy, the way the space age seemingly even jumped Moore’s-law-kind-of-growth. If there is a destination along this energy-equity pursuit, it maybe what space enthusiasts like to discuss as necessary for long-term space travel: ZERO POINT ENERGY.
We are mesmerized with the physics required for high-speed travel, high-speed computing (quantum computing, anyone?), and now, the place at which energy equity is an economic and terrestrial reality, as an exercised right. We dream of a world in which energy is viewed more like gravity. If the space race in the next decade begets anything for us here on land, it will likely be the technologies which achieve mathematical successes that are not yet realized, at least in regarding how quantum information travels faster than light.
Belts & Roads v Hearts & Minds
The current Belts & Roads “race” in the Pacific is picking up sub-Saharan-African speed. The U.S. may be losing influence and strategic partnerships squarely because we are not utilizing the economic tools necessary to further the placement of advanced technology to the communities that have paid the highest price for the fossil fuel economy.
That’s Pretty Clear, Right? Come with Us!
Thank you for being with us along the way. We look forward to partnering with you in 2020.
If you wish to remain in communication with MK Advisors, please reach out our team at info@mkadvisors.org.